Title: Two Captains "You Can't Take the Sky From Me"
ubermidget (doll-maker)
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Summary: Plush doll fan-art of Captain America Jones & Captain England Kirkland from cosmic_dare’s fan-fiction “You Can’t Take the Sky from Me” After work and illnes got in the way, I finally finished the doll of Captain America Jones I had made a while ago. Since I had previously made a Pirate England doll, I did a little photoshoot with both of them. Hope you enjoy!
Here are the collective shots of the Captain America doll:
I followed cosmic_dare's designs for America's military uniform as closely as I could, right down to giving the doll red boxers that appear in later chapters! The doll stands at 20 inches tall and is mostly hand-made with the exception of his goggles, star cufflinks (they are shell buttons) pocket watch, buckles, boots, toy pistol and jacket (I added embellishments to the jacket and boots though).
I made Pirate England the hat he wears in the fan-fiction, also designed by cosmic_dare:
The boys even acted out a little scene...