Mochi madness, Manchester Expo, Manga Attack...and a Happy Pirate!

Aug 24, 2011 01:55

To everyone who friended me over at the USUK friending meme - Hiya! I hope you're all good and safe!

It's been a hectic past 3 months for me, where do I start?  I've been exhibiting at a few more Comics conventions this year, so I've had more crafts to make.  Meaning more Hetalia mochis hand-made out of fabric!  I took my talented artist mate Donna's advice and branched out into making mochis of different characters outside of Hetalia, like Harry Potter, Jack Skellington and The Joker.  So here is what I made for Manchester Expo which was back in July:

They took about 2-3 weeks to make (I made 2 to 3 of each, including Hetalia mochis and Legend of Zelda riceballs) and fussy little me decided to add 3-d fabric paint to the mochis too!

I took this picture of my table at Manchester Expo - behind it are my amazing assistants for that day:  Miss Pippa Lea on the right is cosplaying as my original character "Wren Boulaki the Bird Girl" from my comic and short animation "Claws and Wren".  She's holding a puppet of "Claws the Black Lion", also from my comic.  (Brief summary of what my comic's about: Claws and Wren are two inter-galactic Police Officers trying to enjoy their day off, when an unexpected little beastie enters their garden and turn's their world upside down!) Whenever I took my breaks to have a little wander around the other stalls, I swear she sold more stuff in my stead than I did, the table would be buzzing with people everytime I came back! XD  The second assistant on the left is Pirate England, my beloved 19 inch tall doll.  he tends to attract attention to the table, even if people don't know who he is!

Manchester Expo was extremely packed with people,  the room for the venue was too small but we somehow had a lot of fun anyway! I was surprised by my closest friends visiting me without warning to support me, and my family also turned up to see me.

I got to have a break after that bustling day, but I fell ill with a few colds because of the changes in weather! :( Last Saturday was a blast though, it was the day that our local comics shop in Manchester "Travelling Man" held their "Manga Attack" event.  It was a day dedicated to drawing, Cosplay, watching Anime and eating sweets!  There were also prizes to be won.  I took along Pirate England with me and he helped me bag some prizes!

  I won 1st Prize for Best Fan-art (of pirate England and I chose the "Summer Wars" film as my prize.  Summer Wars is funny, beautiful and brought a tear to my eye in some places, I highly recommend you see it if you haven't done so already!

I won 3rd place for best Cosplay, but only because I was Pirate England's "sub-ordinate in his conquest for the Seven Seas"!  (I'm the dodgy Pirate girl on the right of the pic) The contest was being judged by how many cheers from the audience we received.  The Pirate England doll when I held him up got some very loud cheers of "Pirate Iggy, we love you!" XD  I won another dvd and everybody got to take home some free manga novels!  I ended that lovely day eating cupcakes in a little boutique with my friends.  Tea-time was spent munching on mexican food in  a bar called "TV21" with "Thundercats" being shown on their TV screens with subtitles! Who remembers that show?  Did anyone else watch it/ is a fan?

I decided that my Pirate doll had worked so hard for me...
**is interupted by said Pirate**

Pirate England: "I'd say I worked bloody hard for you, dragging me to all those wretched conventions! London Expo wasn't so bad, we got nicely sloshed on rum in the local pub there! And there were wenches, lots of booty to be snuggled quite nicely into..."

Ahem! You had lots of girls cuddling you in Manchester too!

Pirate England: **stamps his foot**"Not nearly enough to suffice as my share of the loot! **huffs and puffs** I'm not a bilge rat to be put through the ringer by the likes of you! (By the way, I nicked your shiny gem necklaces)"

Alright, alright pet (Can I have my necklaces back please?)...

Pirate England: "I'm not your pet! (No, you never touch a pirate's treasure! Finders keepers, losers Weepers, HA!)"

Fine then love, I'll do something special for you. (Can I have them back if I give you this present?)

Pirate England: "....Is this your attempt at Parley? (Depends if we have an accord.  If it's rubblish, I'll make you dance by poking your ankles with my sword!)"

Maybe.  Close your eyes and turn around.

Pirate England: "I' hate it when you treat me like a child, mumble, grumble **does as he is told**.

Ta-daa! **puts 'gift' in front of him.  'Gift' has a mind of it's own though and starts to prod the Pirate!

Pirate England: "What in the blue blazes?! Who the hell is"
**tackles the "gift", which laughs very loudly**

Look who I finally completed! More about him in my next journal...XD

manga, allies, ubermidget, uk, america, england, mcm expo, mochis, cosplay, axis powers hetalia

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