Dec 13, 2004 02:07
multiple choice section of the tests.......and there you have it! now study to your heart's content!
--Paul wrote 1 Thessalonians about the year AD 49.
--When Paul wrote 1 Thessalonians he was about 49 years old.
--The theme of 1 Thessalonians is the return of Christ.
--Among the important leadership traits Paul emphasizes in 1 Thess. 2 are sincerity,
purity, and unwillingness to be a financial burden.
--Paul tells the Thessalonians that when Jesus returns, it will be with a loud command,
the voice of the archangel and the trumpet call of God.
--The major problem which had developed among the Thessalonians when Paul wrote the
second letter was some in the church had quit working.
--Among those identified as the man of lawlessness is the papacy.
--Paul established the Corinthian church on his second missionary journey.
--Among the problems in the Corinthian church were division, immorality, lawsuits, and
abuse of spiritual gifts.
--In 1 Cor. 3:16 Paul refers to the church as the temple of the Holy Spirit.
--Three translations possible in 7:1 is that it is better for a man not to "touch" a woman,
"marry" a woman, or "have sexual relations with a woman."
--In 1 Cor. 7:1-5 Paul teaches that sexual relations between husbands and wives should
be constant so that they may not be tempted.
--In 1 Cor. 10:27ff, Paul tells believers to go ahead and eat meat unless someone points
out that it was offered to an idol.
--Paul says that in the Lord's Supper, believers can eat and drink condemnation on
themselves when they do not recognize the Lord's body.
--In 1 Cor. 12:13 Paul says we are baptized by one Spirit into one body.
--Paul says in 1 Cor. 14:33 that women should remain silent.
--Among the major points of the gospel as Paul describes it in 15:1-5 are the death, the
burial, the resurrection and appearances.
--Some at Corinth did not accept the bodily resurrection of the dead.
--In 2 Cor. 1 Paul emphasizes "comfort" because of the news that came regarding the
improved attitude in the church.
--Paul altered his travel plans because by going to Macedonia first.
--The "treasure" in clay jars refers to the Gospel we carry.
--In 2 Cor. 5:1ff, Paul teaches that to be away from the body is to be at home with the
--Paul's references to "foolishness" in 2 Cor. 10-13 describe his embarrassment at
describing his credentials.
--The sarcastic term that Paul uses in 12:11 for his opponents at Corinth is super-apostles.
--Among the arguments Paul uses in Galatians to argue for justification by faith is that
the Law was a slave-guardian to lead us to Christ.
--The major theme of Ephesians is the glorious church.
--Paul tells wives in Eph. 5:22ff that they must submit to their husbands, and husbands
that they must agree with their wives.
--In Eph. 6:1-6, Paul emphasizes that believers are fighting a spiritual battle.
--When Paul wrote to the Philippians he was a prisoner.
--Some scholars have questioned the unity of Philippians because of the word "finally" in
3:1-2 and the change in tone.
--Paul writes to the Philippians in order to thank them for a gift.
--The opening of Philippians is unusual in that Paul mentions the bishops and deacons.
--An acceptable date for the writing of Philippians is AD 63.
--Paul's conclusion in Phil. 1 about those preaching Christ out of rivalry was that at least
Christ was being preached.
--In Phil. 1 Paul says, "To live is Christ and to die is gain."
--Phil. 2:5-11 is often described as an early Christian hymn.
--Paul's reasons for describing the humiliation of Christ in this letter is to get believers to
set aside selfish ambition.
--Other examples Paul points to in Phil. 2 include Timothy and Epaphroditus.
--Paul says that he considered his spiritual credentials a "loss" so that he might gain
Christ and be found in him, not having his own righteousness.
--The descriptive word Paul uses in 3:8 to describe his spiritual credentials is "sewage."
--The context of Paul's comment in Phil. 4:13 that he can do all things through Christ is
the context of experiencing hunger.
--The major theme of Colossians is the superiority of Christ.
--Paul's use of the term "firstborn" in Col 1:15 describes the status of Christ over creation
--Paul calls the false teaching at Colossae a hollow philosophy which emphasized New
Moon celebrations, Sabbath days, and the worship of angels.
--Paul's use of the term "rule" in Col. 3:15 means that peace should be the umpire among
--Among the letters considered to be "assuredly from Paul" is Galatians.
--In the case of the pastorals, to question the authorship of these letters is not just a
question about authorship, but a question about the authenticity of the letters.
--The four categories of objections to Paul's authorship of the Pastorals are historical,
theological, ecclesiastical, and stylistic.
--In In 1 Tim 1:3 Paul says that he left Timothy at Ephesus.
--In 2 Tim 4:6 Paul indicates that he was expecting execution.
--Historical objections to Paul's authorship of the Pastorals have to do with whether the
historical allusions fit into the framework of Acts.
--The historical events recorded in the Pastorals may have occurred after the conclusion
of Acts.
--Theological objections to Paul's authorship of the Pastorals center around his emphasis
on good works.
--Besides the Pastorals, Paul also uses "Faith" to refer to a body of doctrine in
--It has been pointed out that there are 175 hapaxes in the pastorals.
--In I Tim 2:1-2 Paul tells believers to Pray for kings.
--Paul says in I Tim 2:8 that all people should lift up holy hands without anger and
--Paul commands women to dress with modesty in I Tim 2:9.
--I Tim 2:11-12 command women to learn in quietness.
--One of the problems in interpreting 2:11-15 is whether Paul means one command or
--Another Problem in 2:11-12 is the meaning of Paul's reference to women saved in
--Among the qualifications of an elder in 1 Tim 3, one not there is generous in giving to
the church.
--Besides 1 Tim 3 the qualifications for an elder may be found in Titus 1.
--The phrase "husband of one wife " probably refers to both polygamy and marital
--I Tim 3:11 may refer to deaconesses in the church.
--Titus 1:5 does not give modern preachers the right to choose elders because Titus was
an emissary of the Apostle Paul.
--"Godliness with contentment is great gain"
--Paul says that the grace of God that has appeared teaches us to say "no to ungodliness."
--Paul says in 2 Timothy that he is being poured out like a drink offering.
--Believing that Paul wrote the Pastorals might imply three Roman Imprisonments.
--Titus 3:1 teaches that believers must remain subject to governing authorities.