Dec 01, 2004 18:55
well, i posted a couple ads online today to try to sell kitty. its sad, but we will replace her with an even better model eventually. now that i know that calico's have attitudes, ill go for something different. maybe a tabby? yeah, i think a little grey tabby would be nice. but Tonka is pretty cute.....and so clean. too bad she likes to get poop all over the place from time to time.
this morning while i was chatting online with joyful here in the office, i hear Tonka make this really weird sort of noise, but i kinda ignored it. i thought she was just being weird like usual. but no, she puked up every bit of milk jonathan fed her 20 minutes earlier. thank God she didnt lose it all on the carpet.....she was on the kitchen linoleum fortunately. what a mess it would have been if shed been in the living room. jonathan tried to get her to puke the rest into the litter box but for some reason she preferred to leave it all on the floor just outside the box. oh well.....i think shes ok, i dont know what caused it. shes been fine since.
last nite she kept acting weird when id come out of the office, shed just lay down on her side and look up at me, but she usually doesnt do that. come to find out, about 10 minutes later when we sat down to have pie i noticed that her collar had managed to get around her shoulder, so that one leg was kinda funky. her collar is quite large for her, since her neck is the size of a quarter. but she must have been horsin' around with it to get it like that on her leg. it was funny. we should have left her like that, she was much more well-behaved when her leg wasnt right. lol.
im so tired of working in the kitchen....and so glad that ive only got 10 more working days in there! yeah buddy. free from manual labor for the first time in 5 years! office work will be was pretty fun that one time the summer of 2003 when i had the back spasm and couldnt paint for a week. granted, my back hurt like holy moley, but it was nice to get to sit down in a comfy quiet environment and not have to yell over equipment and walk carefully to avoid slipping on wet floors. will be fun to have the new job of registrating. registrating? registraring? how do you say that? i dont even know. itll be nice to be able to wear nice clothes to work, to wear flip flops when the weather gets warmer. yeah. im gonna be glad to switch jobs.
well, i should get going, im going to make some chicken for us to eat i think. i would wait til later but i think it would go bad sitting there in the fridge....i dunno. maybe ill get lazy and not make it after all. i still have to shower, study spanish, and get started on writing the FINAL AP for tommy's class. 3 more class periods/one final and i will forever be done with tommy smith. so close i can taste it....
how does it taste to be done with tommy smith? do i even want to taste it? hmm