Gaming Blog

Aug 03, 2009 16:04

Hokay, let's just try to get this all done in one swoop. Here's what I've been playing since June 15th.

Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain Slick Precipice of Darkness Episode 1 (status: completed) - Looking for some good ol fashioned RPG goodness, I wound up downloading this one off of the playstation store on my PS3. Short but sweet and rather amusing. Not many games let you kill hobos, deliver their corpse meet to a soup kitchen then proceed to eat the hobo meat for a health upgrade. Also, fighting robots appropriately named "Fruit Fuckers" and evil cultist mimes....I gotta say, it was a pretty fun game.

Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain Slick Precipice of Darkness Episode 2 (status: completed) - Obviously I'd get the sequel if I enjoyed the first one. Now I just need episodes 3 and 4 to be released..or at least announced already...and I'm set.

Ghostbusters (status: completed) - This game was so much fun. It was the PS3 version and I rented it. I would have definitely bought it if not for the 60 dollar price tag. I did beat the entire game within a 24 hour period after all ^^; Also had plenty of time to play online (which was surprisingly fun...even though I kept on getting the lowest score because I constantly helped my team mates) And had enough time to find all the secret artifacts and scan every enemy for some extra trophies.

Punisher No Mercy (status: completed) - Another cheap 10 dollar PSN game I got...simply because I loved the Punisher. It was alright I suppose..I was expecting more out of the one player campaign. It was only 4 episodes long..each episode having a page or two of comic book storyline. I played online for a bit (it is a FPS after all) bored rather quickly. Noobed some pwns and it's been collecting dust on my hard drive since.

Gunstar Heroes (status: 2nd to last level or so?) Another PSN game I got. This one is a remake of a old Sega Genesis game...a side scrolling shooter like contra or metal slug. Pretty fun. I only got it with the leftover change in my PSN account. It was pretty cheap and well worth it. Seven Force were a pain in the ass to beat. Extra lives instead of continues would have been nice...

Oblivion: Elder Scrolls IV (status: lolnotevenclose) - Kind of plays like D&D if D&D were a video game. It's a first person RPG I picked up for 25 bucks or so. It looks great and is pretty fun...but I got it as a filler to mess around with in between games. It's one of those very open world type games where you can spend hours upon hours just exploring and doing side quests. I think I'm like 10-20% or so into the main storyline quest....

Valkryia Chronicles (status: completed) - Hands down one of the best strategy games I've played game wise. It's like Fire Emblem meets Metal Gear Solid. The battles were actually really fun and sometimes even challenging. My only gripe was the storyline was a bit cheesy...that and they killed off my favorite character. It's a fucking war game and one of the only characters to die had to be my favorite. Fuck you Sega. Fuck you. Looking forward to the sequel coming out on PSP...and thinking of getting the DLC levels for the first one.

Fat Princess (status: completed) - So. Much. Freakin. Fun. It's like...the PERFECT multiplayer game. I feel like I've ripped someone off since I got this for 15 bucks off the PSN store (yeah, I've been getting a lot of PSN store games XP). I play online all the time and the hours just slip away unnoticed. Basically it's capture the flag...only...instead of a flag it's a princess who you make fatter and therefor harder to capture by feeding her magical, delicious cake. You build and manage a castle and can switch job classes between warrior, priest, mage, worker and archer...all of which can become upgraded by collecting resources. The controls feel like a zelda game where it's overhead view and you tap attack to do combos or hold it to charge for a powerful move. This is probably the most fun I've had gaming in a long while. The random jokes are hilarious too. I've laughed out loud 3 or 4 times just playing. If anyone here gets a PS3...BUY THIS GAME.

Wild Arms (Status: Port Timney...have no idea how far that is) - Mmmm..old school role playing at its best. Everything is pretty standard and what you'd come to expect from a rpg...but that doesn't make it any less awesome. I love the music to this series so much.

Mana Khemia (status: halfway through chapter 8) - been playing bits and pieces of this here and there. Progress is slow...but oh well. Totally forgot to do the jobs during week I'm broke in the game. Probably missed some recipes too .__. crapsticks. Just starting to use Roxis...I looked it up online..apparently I had to actually do his storyline bits during free time to get his mana? I thought it would happen in the main storyline and have just been ignoring him XP Even though he seems to be more useful than some of the other characters. Oh...and Anna is win. I <3 her.

Final Fantasy VII (status: end of disc 1 almost) - Got to the Temple of the Ancients and sort of got sidetracked for other games ^^; I blame Mana Khemia.

Persona 3 FES (status: 80% through The Answer) - Picked this up randomly the other morning and started making more progress through The Answer...only 2 more doors/sections to go through then I should be at the end. Want to finish this before finally starting Devil Survivor or P4.

My Japanese Coach (status: lesson 28 or so) - Yay for learning Japanese!

Dokapon Kingdom (status: Last chapter) - Was playing this with Rob...we need to finish this up already.

*phew* Man that was a long blog. Maybe I game too much....................nah <.<;;

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