Jan 04, 2009 21:06

I'm feeling accomplished. Today I worked out, I drew something, I went out and was slightly social, I read manga, I played video games, I worked/made money. I have to say that today was a good day all in all.

My drawing fails though when I went back to take a second look. It's all...frowny and off *attempted to draw a Tsuna/Scarface crossover pic* (there's a link to my DA on the left side of my Journal <.<; )I absolutely hate it. Earlier I kind of just forced myself to draw even though I wasn't really into yeah. It didn't turn out. BUT that's not the point. THe point is I drew something. I'll redo the face and edit the pic later.

Lilli treated me out to Lunch which was uber filling and wound up being my dinner. I had some chicken terriyaki and sushi. It was yummy. Then I got dragged around the mall for a bit XP My feet were sore. But I still had fun. Even if I did wind up losing Lilli and not getting to say goodbye properly ^^;

Bought Prince of Persia today. Found it in a bargain bin for $9.99. Also got a new EB Edge card. Didn't know they were only 5 bucks. I thought they were 10 or 15 ^^; I also found Spectral Souls which I've been wanting! :o....but....I are le poor. Maybe I'll check if they still have it on Friday when payday comes around.

Anyways, I'm off to play more video games or something now.

manga video games drawing stuff

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