(no subject)

Jan 03, 2009 13:55

Wee, went to the dollar store and bought like..3 new sketchbooks to fill up. Also got some mechanical pencils because I hate sharpening ^^; Maybe I should invest in an electric pencil sharpener...although the last one I had didn't work so well..hrm.

There's something about getting new sketchbooks or art supplies that just makes you want to draw...<3

Yay! looks like I'm getting a free lunch tomorrow X3 Thank you Liiilllii! <3

Been re-reading FMA lately. Need to refresh my memory yet again (this is like my 3rd or 4th time rereading them). I'm so forgetful ._.;; Also since the timelines and events are different from the anime, that throws me off as well. So I'm going to push the anime out of my head completely and just enjoy the manga.

[SPOILERS IN WHITE]EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME. I die inside. Hughes death is probably one of the saddest moments in anime History T___T He was like..instantly the most lovable FMA character of them all. And they killed him. Just like that. *cryflailflail*[/SPOILERS]

I think Izumi is becoming one of my favorite characters. I have no idea why either. Like she was always a character I really liked...but this time around she's becoming one of my favorite.

Scar is still as badass as ever <3 *still hoping I get to learn more about him in the manga*

art, manga, lilli, fma

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