(no subject)

Oct 12, 2011 05:23

Oct 9th

I drew some gasmask CDC hazmat suit dude using a magazine reference at work. This was a quick 30 minute sketch. But hey, at least it's better than nothing.

Oct 10th.

I did not draw this day. Lack of sleep has been quite horribly building up and making me feel HORRIBLE. It's been like..a week...and I was only getting 2 hours of sleep per night. On Monday I was finally able to get some rest so I took advantage of it. Slept and relaxed all day. Did absolutely nothing productive.

Oct 11th

I did a bunch of hand studies. I *think* I'm slowly starting to grasp some ideas but they all still look quite horrible and all messed up. Fingers look broken or the entire thing just looks like some globby mess. The ones that do turn out only look good as rough sketches. I doubt I could clean it up and make it into a proper drawing for a final piece. I still have much much work to do.

Oct 12th

Er...I don't know it. It's 5:16 am and I'm only typing this out while waiting for perogies. Looks like my lack of sleep will start kicking in again.

I'm starting to get kind of frustrated. I''m doing all these gestures and while the sketching is coming more naturally I feel like I want to improve faster. I also feel like I'm haphazardly scribbling away without any aim. I need to focus my ideas. Rough sketches and practice is good and all but I think I need to ACTUALLY draw interesting pieces. I need a focus. I need a subject. I need ideas. A story? A comic? Maybe I can draw mental images I get from reading novels? I could write my own novel (nanowrimo is coming up) and draw images for that perhaps? I need something. I can't just randomly doodle whatever and hope to improve that way. I need actual subject matter and find out how I will deal with the problems that come through that. Just....my mind is completely blank. I just want to move my hand across the paper and scribble away without thinking. But that's not what art is. I guess it's really sinking in that I don't know what I'm doing.

Also I'm feeling kind of restless. I booked a good chunk of my usual shifts off (fridays and saturdays) so that's about 80 dollars off my paycheck each week (give or take). But it also means I have two days to do stuff I want to do. Those are the days I find most people want to do things. So I can be social and go out more. I can also use that time to focus on art and improving. Also gaming. Sooo much gaming to do (A nerd has got to get inspiration from somewhere, right?)

Also, I want to paint. I should paint.

drawing and art crap

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