Title: The Bottom Line Pairing: ot12, really Part: 1 / 3 Genre: Romance, Angst, Action Summary: Kim Jongin is finally out of the asylum and Kyungsoo is a roamin' catholic
awww. it's cool to get feedback like these, too! so that i'll know that i'm not the only confused one ;P but really thank you so much for now & i'll work harder! (since really, writing this is pretty tricky because it's half writing and half crying because research). there are some nice documentaries on yt that i found and i was listening to them while trying to sleep and man it's so relaxing.
awww. it's cool to get feedback like these, too! so that i'll know that i'm not the only confused one ;P
but really thank you so much for now & i'll work harder!
(since really, writing this is pretty tricky because it's half writing and half crying because research). there are some nice documentaries on yt that i found and i was listening to them while trying to sleep and man it's so relaxing.
thank you and god bless you, my child ;}
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