Rumby Legacy 4.4

Jun 29, 2010 20:48

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Click on the Archive link and check out the family tree which just got updated :D I love making family trees. It's probably the main reason I actually play Sims >>

I got my new Sandisk MP3 player! Now I can listen to music as faithfully as I used to with my iPod Shuffle :) and actually maybe take walks, since I really should do that.

--- *** ---

I saw Lacey walking by and was all "HOLY SHIT CHASTITY GOT YOUNG AGAIN"
WOW she turned out to be JUST like her mother. Fasion sense and all.

RandomGirl: So, I heard your family has had a lot of fights...

Krista: I'm not sure about that, but my uncle Zack likes to play catch a lot...

Aliah: Pick me up mommy!

Marla: I have a better idea...!

Aliah: D: Mommy, what are you doing?

Marla: Oh yes, the sweet taste of victory... and candy.

Aliah: It's a good thing she didn't find the gold bar I have in my diaper...

Marla had a birthday all by herself.

Chastity spends most of her day fishing at her No Fishing spot.

Marla: Krista, why didn't you change the fire alarm batteries!? We all could have died if there WAS a fire!

Krista: What...? But... but I didn't know...

Krista: Wait, we don't even have a fire alarm.

Krista: You crazy bitch :|

Krista: Wait until she's asleep.
Marla: I can hear you...

Marla is wondering who is driving this police car.
Also, who snitched on her. She suspects Krista's crazy friend.

Chastity isn't quite as excited as I am :|

Actually I got A LOT of them. Like... 6.

Marla is making up for the candy incident.
Marla: And THAT'S how babies are made.
Aliah: I... I didn't need to... or even WANT to... know all of this..


Sonia: :( I want a cookie, yet no one will get me a cookie.

Dillon does this all day when he doesn't garden. It's all cool, except when it wakes the children up with "I WANNA LISTEN TO GRAMPA PLAY MUSIC"

Krista: Personally, I'm not that impressed.

Vincent is Marla's boss :D I had no idea until now! Awesome!

Oli: Really, I dislike you.
Aliah: Like I care. I just want out of my crib.

Birthdays! (Childhood doesn't last very long)

Krista: Hmm... what should I wish for?

Jena: Wish for a pony. That's what I'm wishing for.

Jena: I sure hope she wished for a pony...

Jena: Hm... should I wish for a pony? Or something better?

Jena: Oh! I know! I'll wish for a kitten.

Krista grew up with THESE TRAITS.

Then she went back to writing her novels.

And Jena got THESE TRAITS.

Krista immediately rolled all the "I WANT TO TEACH TODDLERS THINGS" wants, so she gets to do that instead of writing her novels.

Sonia loves her big sister. As well as all the new words she's learning.

Jena... really REALLY loves the outdoors.

Jena: YEAH! Look at that tree outside!


Jena: WOAH that's a BIRD in that tree!

Jena: AH there's no windows in here!

Jena: Heck, even a painting of some sort would make this place look better...

Marla: Why haven't you beaten up your sister yet? I beat my sister up at HALF your age.

Marla: Oh, it's because you're a little pansy, huh? With your trees and your birds...
Jena: At least the trees and birds don't BEAT EACH OTHER UP.

Marla is rather dissapointed in her first (second?) daughter.

Since we don't see much of Oli, here you go!
This is him sleeping. He doesn't get much sleep because he sleeps in the same room with his sisters.

Marla: Whatever you do, don't read any books.

Marla: They fill your mind with lies and junk.

Oli: I was actually planning on writing a book though...

Marla: Oh. Well, then that's okay.

Around the same time every day everyone freaks out and HAS to feed the fish.

Oli: Would some one forget the stupid fish? I NEED FOOD TOO.

This is Marla's new boss. RIGHT after sucking up to him, he died.



Then realization set in. Now she has to suck up to ANOTHER new boss.

Jena shouldn't be allowed to play guitar. All she did was pluck at it for HOURS. And she's Virtuoso! D:

Everyone: Eh... it's 'awright.

Oli caught a butterfly in the dead of night!
You tell me the last time YOU did that.

Oli: I see you there Mr. Rook.

Oli: You AND your little friend.

Oli: I know you guys are plotting against me.

Oli: *Gasp* The King is plotting against me too?!

Oli: I need a new chess set. One that is more loyal.

Oli: I'm going to hit you all on the head with a frying pan.

Oli: Then let the flies eat you.

Oli: Because you'll be in the garbage.

Oli is celebrating his birthday! Woo!
... look more excited Oli.

There we go, that's better.

Okay, that's enough. Pull it back a little.

Sure it may be Oli's birthday, but everyone has Aliah on their minds.


Oli: OH GOD these pajamas are WAY TOO TIGHT ON ME

Oh boy! My first Klepto! Woooo!

Anyways, just in case you wanted to know, this here is Zack's daughter, Mandie.

And this is Bambi, Vincent's daughter. He also has a daughter named Cari who... apparently doesn't live with him.

Marla has to make friends with this chick for her job.
She kinda gets right to the point.
Marla: I've been standing around watching fat guys swim in a pool probably filled with urine waiting for YOU to get out of the pool, PLEASE just give me your cell phone number so I can be on my way. I have children to feed at home.

My ghosts aren't too bright.
Hope, YOU ARE A GHOST. NOTHING. NOOOTHING. Can get in your way.
Sherman, okay. That's still pretty cute.

Jena: This counter is in my way! I can't see out the window!
But... there is no window...

Jena: I sure hope no one is littering right now...

Jena: It would sure suck if I had to kill some one for littering...
Marla feels a warm fuzzy feeling... wherever she is.

Let there be birthdays!
Marla: When will this end?

Flying baby!

Flying deformed babychildthing!

I rather do like Solia. I have NO CLUE where she got that gorgeous hair color.

--- *** ---

Wait, I feel like I ended the last update with the twins having birthdays... wait, oh yeah I did. WEIRD. D:

sims3, rumbylegacy

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