'Mad' is a term we use to describe a man who is obsessed with one idea and nothing else

Sep 10, 2008 20:55

I had only been in the car for a couple of minutes when I realized there was a problem.

The shoelace on my left shoe had become untied.

I tried to ignore it ... but the creepy feeling of unbalance as my left shoe sloshed around while my right one stayed snug ... preyed on my mind.

At the first red light, I tried to raise my leg up high enough to retie the lace - unfortunately, I couldn't make my body do that trick and the light turned green before I could do anything else.

I considered just kicking the shoe off - I have no problem driving barefoot - but I can't stand driving with just a sock on. And trying to get my sock off while cruising down the road at 40mph seemed a bit reckless.

Finally, unable to stand it - I pulled over. Unbuckled my seat belt, opened the car door, and stuck my foot out and tied the damn lace.

Regaining the road, I continued on my way - happy that both my shoes were tied.

Then I realized, that now my right shoe, which seemed so snug before, was much looser than my newly tied left shoe.

Fortunately - I made it home before a complete nervous breakdown ensued.

therapy might be good, i need drugs, dorkitude

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