Sep 03, 2008 20:53
I made pesto for the first time.
I'm sure it's mind boggling that I've never made pesto before ... considering that I seem to grow obscene amounts of basil and tend to cook from scratch all the time.
See, pesto has always been on my 'don't like so much list'.
Yep. I'm not fond of pesto.
Now, I've had lots of pesto. Store bought, fancy restaurant, and homemade by proud American-Italian Grandmas.
It never took.
But, since I've run out of people to pawn my obscene amounts of basil onto - I decided to give making it a try. Maybe I thought, all it needs is the Catta touch to make it good.
I threw an obscene amount of thai basil into the food processor, some fat cloves of garlic, a handful of pine nuts, a shake of nooch, and a good splash of olive oil. Hit blend.
You know what?
I'm still not fond of pesto.
kitchen madness