Oct 12, 2006 19:43
ok so i got hired monday @ the insurance company place got out of work that nigh and just passed out as soon as i got home.
next morning i am at work by 8:00, its going well but all i can do is think " when am i gonna rock?"
ill never have time with this job , this is one of those carrer jobs, i cant do this how am i gonna keep my grades up?
this will take to much out of me (NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!)
on top of that boring and he was gonna make me get some licencense where i was gona have to do 40 hours in four day
my A.D.D cant take 50 minutes so immagine 10 hours of boring ass shit no way .
so then i go to lunch and ass soon as i walk ou i tell my self
"FUCK NO < I AM NOT GOIN BACK so i quit on my second day lol!!
my mom tells me u do what u need to do !! which means find something soon.
on my way home i see juan and johann , tthey stop @ a light and it turns green so they leave , but then they come back for me
and then they have just what i need for such a stressfull day lol!!
i get home and say thank god i quit that stuff!!
the next day me and johann go job serching and we later chill with BUDAH
i think about certain thingssometimes and miss them and wonder if they could have turned out another way!
i guess T.W.M.N.k
but then when i start to give in i only have to remind my self of all the bullshit
SATurday i got to meet up with Mat from homebody and audition for drums
its a little more popish /indie but i like it
so hopefully things go good
the acoustic thing is going well played two shows but wan t to get better recordings soon hopefully he wants to practice
cause we got lots of unfinishe material
DEFTONES in 10 days must have $$$$ to go to this shit
cant wait till DASHBOARD
and now i saw that TAKING BACK SUNDAY IS HEADING OUR way once again
i think i will forever love thiose guys!!
too many shows
i have been thinking about what the fuck i am gonna finally do with school
i figured either MUSIC THERAPY or
MUsic Buisness and go from there since its the only way ill be happy
so tommorow hopefully ill go and get that job thing so i wont have to worry about money for a while
well till next time! [=