Feb 11, 2007 11:55
My plans for this weekend went a bit tits up. Therefore I didn't end up in Southampton as planned.
However, things were not as bad as it first seemed. Suffice to say I had a very good day yesterday /cryptic to protect the innocent.
ION: I see that David Cameron has been "accused" of smoking cannabis in his youth... well that's just got him the student vote.
He has apparently responded by saying that he did things he regrets when he was young, that he's not denying it, but added that he believes that politicians should be entitled to keep their pasts private.
And much as I hate to admit it, he's right.
The guy was 15 when this happened, it was apparently one of Eton's greatest scandals and a number of boys were expelled - but not David because he wasn't dealing.
OK so now - some 25 years later - he's the leader of the Tories, but should we hold against him something he did when he was a kid? Of course we shouldn't.
Why do I hate to admit he's right? Well at the rate Cameron is going he's in danger of out liberaling Campbell, and that's going to be a problem at the next election as wavering Liberal support wanders over to the Tory camp. Ultimately this doesn't bother me as much as it might because though my politics is liberal, I don't believe that this should mean that I am tied in to following a particular party - so if the Tories win on a liberal manifesto then so be it. As long as they do actually win and don't then revert to their old ways of course.
Anything to get rid of Blair and whoever takes over from him.