Nov 07, 2007 11:00 before I go talking about all of my crimes, I must tell you that I use a Proxy Server, so that nobody can ever trace my IP address. Anyway. The fact of the below story, have been slightly changed so that nobody can determine who I am actually talking about. You can guess....but that's about it. Unless youre in the FBI or some shit, and those guys probably all surfing porn, not looking for home brewers. :-)
A couple of weeks ago, I met a Kuwaiti friend that has a friend that is brewing some Wine. I got a magazine from the United States and I gave it to a friend and they decided that their friend should brew some Hard Apple Cider. The way that the article described it, it is pretty easy to do. You buy 5 gallons of pure apple juice with no preservatives, 2 lbs of sugar, and some yeast packets. You simmer the juice, add the sugar, put it in a jug for two weeks, then switch jugs for 3 more weeks. This is gonna be some good stuff. The more I sit in the desert, with nothing to do, the more I need to have a little drink after work to relax. I'm glad I have friends that are good brewers. Well, I hope they are good brewers.