Nov 29, 2005 10:28
I ignored you for a week. That probably makes me a bad person. I apologize.
I refuse to participate in the process of American Idol, even though the download is free. My consumerism knows bounds; my hypocrisy, not so much.
I read Steven Pressfield's Tides of War, a novelization of the Peloponnesian War focusing on Alcibiades, over the holiday. I can only say I finished it because I was on a plane and what else was there to do. It never engaged me the way his Thermopylae novel, Gates of Fire, did. That, and Alcibiades was a jackass bent on self-promotion above all else. I suspect he wrote it more as a parallel for modern cult of personality mentality than a true exploration of Greek history.
As for the holiday itself, I had a good time. I saw most of the family that I hadn't seen since last year this time -- cousins, aunts, uncles, and my brother. I didn't even fight with Mom. At some point I'll put up a picture or two. I've got one of the $3000 cat, too.
For some reason I have the phrases "a la recha" and "a la izquierda" stuck in my head, like a song you can't stop repeating.
Also, I don't recommend staying up until almost 4am the night before your first day back at work.
Your Less-Than-Faithful Chronicler
mi familia,