The overestimation of my skin's sun tolerance

Mar 31, 2006 13:49

I don't think i've had sunburn since my pre-pubescent years. So I guess that i had to do a good job this time. I am getting better, but when i came home (after my midday three hour session at the beach), i discovered that I was quite sunburnt... all over my back, stomach, chest, shoulders, calves and shins. I applied three layers of foundation right after having a cold shower, then went to lay down. I dozed lightly (in pain), and my attemps at feeding the dogs ended up in me collapsing by my toilet. I thus got heat stroke as well. I have been drinking plenty of water, and have no blisters as of yet... but i'm just taking it easy. I hope that i will become well again by tomorrow afternoon, as i need to go for a uniform fitting for Burswood.

I should've remembered that it is a rare opportunity for an Irish body to experience any sunlight at all. I won't stay out in the sun for that long again.

If only i had bleeched my hair pornstar blonde, i could've become a British tourist.
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