Jag will åtka, och всё хорошо

Mar 29, 2006 21:32

It seems everything is going well in my life... for a change.
I have scored a job at Burswood (the largest casino and entertainment complex in Perth)(the job is shit, but it pays well for what i have to do...), and i have to go in for a uniform fitting on Saturday, then take two days off uni for orientation. All should be well thereafter.
I also received a call from my new violin student. I am rather excited about teaching him, as he has a passion for music, but is devoid of classical training. I get new person to train from beginning... which always enthrals me.
Uni is incredibly difficult. In last week's maths lecture, we learnt how to convert kilometers into meters, then meters into centimeters, then centimeters into millimeters. I'm afraid i just might fail that. Today i was timing how long into our 'academic writing' lecture our lecturer could get before saying the phrase 'gay marriage and parenting'. She got 1:31, mentioning it nine times throughout the lecture.
I'm also getting up at 04h45 every morning of the working day to go to the gym, then to uni, then back to the gym, then back home. The other day however, i met a kindly Slovakian personal trainer, who was bored, so spoke to me (after feeling me) about my training. It turns out that i am really only doing a third of the workout that i should be doing, so have modified it accordingly. She is also a model for Chadwick's, and so is her boyfriend... so she showed me a photo of him, and told me about how different weight exercises work in different ways. It all made sense.
I went to the beach on Sunday, and ended up feeling great for doing it, so i plan to go more frequently. I can't wait to go tomorrow with Kristy. It'll be so good to do sweet shite all out of the house.
I was just asked by slaterbug to tutor her French. Huzzah! I get to tutor violin AND French! Life is grand (I shan't say anything more on the subject as not to tempt fate).
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