Jul 25, 2005 02:00
It has become self-evident that this livejournal world must have some sort of a God, for if it didn't how did it come to be created, and how is it so easy to use by something so simple as a human? It can be assumed then to have been made, at least in this form, specifically for us.
Rather than argue on the existence of this Livejournal God, debate would be better spent on his nature. He appears to lack the perfection that many claim part of the definition of a God, for he cannot be all powerful, or all knowing. Livejournal, for example, provides an optional 'Paid Account,' as the holy book calls it, implying a material God with monatary needs; or at least, requiring sacrifice. And if he were perfect, what motivation could he have had to create such a site? He would lack the desire. Reading from post to post we know that this God cannot be watching everything, for so much is useless and with so much rambling that if were his choice he would not allow it. The people of the livejournal universe have free will, it is for certain. It cannot be said however, that God does not sometimes interact with this world he has created, for from time to time we see new conveniences and changes sprouting that could not possibly be explained by the evolution of the livejournal animals alone.
Truth about Santa Claus debunks Santa God. God evolves from Santa.
what the fuck is a tag?