May 27, 2013 17:44
If asked, I would tell anyone with an internet that content is better than no content. It doesn't matter if you have nothing cool going on right now. It doesn't matter if you're tired or busy or in a bad mood. No one cares that you're in a period of transition because we're all in transition all the damn time. Just do something, dammit. Something is better than nothing. Record some clips in a lesson and post them. Netflix a movie to review. Dig through your old DVDs to find something that can be uploaded. Just do something. Post cute cat pictures. Share links. Just do something. Just do anything. No matter how much you suck, chances are that it's better than nothing.
And do I take my own advice? Of course not. Who ever listens to their own advice, even when it's good advice?
As of now, the contents of my bathroom are in my bedroom. As if I didn't have enough clutter in there to begin with. Nevertheless, it can't be helped because the bathroom will be torn out tomorrow so there can't be any stuff left in there. The upshot is that I have no choice but to clear out the old clutter in order to make space for the new clutter. And what is in the old clutter? Notebooks upon notebooks full of writing.
When I'm writing on the computer, I try to have some kind of organization and purpose. The opposite is true when I'm writing in a notebook. I just write whatever the hell is in my mind at the time, with no connections or explanations. My brain understands what I'm going for at the time and that's all I need. Well, I don't want to throw all of my genius away, but I don't have space to keep it in its present form... and it kind of makes me look like the crazy guy from Seven who had a whole room full of notebooks chock full of his crazy. I'm not there yet, but there is reason for concern, people. So, I'm taking all the random stuff and I'm putting it into a word document.
Golgotham is an epic story, because I've been writing it since college or so. Really. It's this gigantic supernatural horror soap opera where characters show up and leave and show up and die and come back again. From time to time, memories get wiped or memories return. The only chronology is in my brain, and even I can't always remember what comes where. There are first person passages that could be any character talking at any point. There are conversations where I decided not to include any dialogue tags and I have to guess at who's talking based on tone and context.
And there are pages where I have written a series of one sentence quips that don't belong anywhere. They're just ideas for things that I want to include somewhere but I don't know where yet.
In other cases, I have to guess at placement based on character development. Some characters have mellowed with time. Others get nastier and crazier. If so and so is still murdering people, then this must be happening before this other storyline where they realized that randomly killing people was wrong. If that person remembers all about that incident, then this has to be after they figured out their real identity.
Like I said, it's a soap opera with supernatural powers and a body count.
When it's needed, I'm shifting the perspective from first to third person. It's just easier to keep it all consistent and I really do hate it when authors shift between ten different first person perspectives. This way, I can put in a name of the person we're following (when I can figure out who it is and assuming that my writing is legible which it often isn't) and everything is going into a vague order, separated by break marks so that I can begin connecting the pieces.
And then I'll post it because posting something is better than nothing.
Even if it is the worst story ever told.