Jan 18, 2006 19:30
Hello all friends and extended family,
My name is tyson cormack and i live in calgary alberta. Home of Stephen Harper.
I am writing tonight to ask all of you who live in Toronto and Ontario to go out and vote ndp.
The is major chance of Toronto send many NDP MPs to Ottawa. Here in alberta we do not have the chance to vote for any progressive in anyway what that would result in an elected MP. But you my friend do have that chance. And have a chance to affect the lives of all Canadians with your vote in this upcoming election. A vote for the ndp is a vote for workers, and family all over the country. A vote for environmental protection and electoral reform. Stephen Harper is likely to be the PM.
With that being the case we will need NDP MPs to stand up for progressive issue in the face of what could be a not so great government.
So if you were kind of luke warm to going vote at all please do it this time and vote for the NDP.
If+ you intend to Vote NDP do not forget to go the day of.
+If you think that supporting the liberals is going to keep Stephen Harper out of office, I think that it is well past the point of a potential Liberal return to office. The liberals never really stood up for people. They we dragged kicking and screaming to support equal marriage by the supreme court. They are so weak on the environment. So slow to get Kyoto ratified and so slow to get to meeting targets. And Kyoto is just a small start.
The liberals are a mess and have not really done what they said they would.
Vote NDP for a strong progressive voice.
The NDP is the only party that i feel believes in values that are truly based in compassion and care for the whole world. Ideas based in collective trust and responsibility Access to education and healthcare. A new charter for senior Canadians that makes it law that their penision is linked to inflation. And that there rent does not exceed %30 of their income. And as a youth person that issue resonates the hardest. The sense that we must take interest and care in the needs of others. And it is that feeling and idea seems so present with the NDP community.
A strong and historical fabric built by people from all segments of Canada. People like Tommy Douglas but also people like my union leading bus driving grandfather in Winnipeg, and my incredible single mother who is one of truest hardest working people in the world. People like Olivia Chow in Trinity spadina or John Chan here in calgary centre north.
I truly believe that this election will really shape the future of politics in Canada for sometime to come and I believe that a strong NDP will make for a better life for all people of the country, One that was built on stolen land. Land that we have poisoned, and occupied. It is the least that we can do to support a party that does honestly have a very strong environmental stand.
Jack Layton rides his bike to parliament. Money where is mouth is!
That is my big pitch