May 13, 2010 12:56
to organize my life in a such a way that I am consistently doing the things that I want and like to do MOST of the time.
You may ask how's that going for me?
I would tell you that it's a struggle.
I would tell you that I need more time in the day.
I would tell you that its just so hard.
Then I would say ironic isn't it. Or maybe you would say that to me.
Cause at that the bitch of the thing!
It takes a lot of work to live the life you want. Especially if one requirement is that you want to be accountable for your actions, take responsibility for those actions, and you want to be proud of them.
Ain't that the paradox in which we butt heads all the time?
I want to write more. . . so I have to make time to write more!
I want to sleep more . . . so I have to make time to sleep more.
I want to sleep better . . . I have to make some serious life style changes in order to sleep better.
I say all this as a reminder to myself that there is no try there is just do.
That every decision I make is choice.
How I choose to use my time is my responsibility and each choice has a consequences.
I guess the trick is to make the choices that result in the best possible consequences.
With that said. I guess I better get to work!