Today's Existential Mind Quest

Apr 26, 2010 05:18

It's taken as a possible fact that the universe loves balance.

For every action taken there is an equal and opposite action.

Take it one step further and I'd say there is an equal and opposite reaction as well.

I say this to question whether the decisions I've made now will come back to haunt me.

Also that the reactions from the decisions I've made in the past will not wound me.

When you're motto is try and do no harm it is painful discover despite your best intentions you do exactly that.

I'll never know how my actions have impacted those casually around me.

From the ones I do know.

That just plan sucks.

No nothing has happened recently I'm just in a very reflective and some what negatively biased philosophical mood!

It might have been brought on by a few instances this weekend.

1. I found out a friend of mine's mother passed away. - Facing ones' own mortality and what have I done that will be remembered after I'm gone!
2. Went to a bachelorette party. - Not planning on going the traditional family route. I look like I'm missing something according to the rest of the world.
3. I'm challenging myself to do things I can't stand. - Focusing on the decisions I made on how to live my life.

I'm totally wondering if my chosen path is the right one and in the long run am I missing out on something?
Also am I living up to the kind of person who I want to be?

Deep questions for so early in the morning.


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