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Feb 09, 2006 18:15

psalm 45

Cycle1 - Declaring the Divine
My heart...it overflows with a good theme
I recite my composition concerning the King
My tongue is the pen of a ready writer

(my heart overflows, singing of the goodness of God. it is my joy to sing about Him. it is my joy to declare His name, His goodness, His glory. it is my delight. my tongue is the pen of a ready writer, i will sing of His goodness forever. everything He does is good. everything He does is right. His leadership is perfect. His judgements are perfect. He is without measure. He is without sin. His glory is immeasureable. with the same hand He judges and He blesses, His wrath is covered in mercy. His judgements are His mercy. His strong right hand embraces me and His left hand holds my head.)

Cycle2 - The Beauty of Jesus
You are fairer than the sons of men;
Grace is poured upon Your lips,
Therefore God has blessed You forever.

(His nature, His emotions, His very being is the most beautiful, the most mysterious, the most stunning. He is more beautiful, more pure, more loving, more wonderful than we can comprehend or understand. He is the essence of all things. He is like a fragrance poured out, so alluring, so mysterious...so intriguing. He is the person of God, showing us the Father. no one has see God the Father in any place or time, but if we have seen Jesus, we have seen God. Jesus is dazzling, He's excellent, He's the Chief Among 10,000, He is the fairest. He is the truest. He is the most beautiful.
Grace is poured upon His lips. He speaks grace, upon grace, upon grace over us. all it takes is one word, and my heart lives. all it takes is a breath and i am satisfied. when He speaks, all creation bends and groans under the weight of His words....they bow low and sing their joy. His words bring light to my darkness. His words bring life to my soul and my body. it is only by Him, thru Him, and to Him that i move and have any meaning. there is NO good in me apart from Him. my righteousness is as filthy rags before His glorious righteousness. and the Father blesses Him for He has brought us near.)

Cycle3 - Jesus the Righteous Warrior
Gird Your sword upon Your thigh, O Mighty One,
With Your glory and Your majesty,
And in Your majesty ride prosperously because of truth, humility, and righteousness.

(come in Your justice. come in Your righteousness. come however You will. come whenever and wherever You will. we need God. we need Jesus. we need His judgements and His sword. He rides for truth, humility, and righteousness because He HATES lies, pride, and wickedness. it is to His glory and His perfect leadership and judgement to come with His sword to cut away ALL sin, ALL evil, ALL wickedness, FOREVER. it is only by His sacrifice, His love, and His judgements that we are able to rule and reign as kings and priests with Jesus when He reigns on the earth.)

Cycle4 - The Kingship and Justice of Jesus
Your throne, O God, is forever and ever.
A scepter of righteousness is the scepter of Your kingdom.
You love righteousness and hate wickedness;
Therefore God, Your God, has anointed You
with the oil of gladness more than Your companions.

(He is eternal. His throne, His glory, His kingdom is eternal. Everlasting to everlasting. beginning to end. He is forever. He shall reign forever and ever. with ALL dominion, ALL glory, ALL power. justice and righteousness are the foundations of His throne. they are eternal.
He LOVES righteousness and He HATES wickedness. He loves righteousness for in His righteousness we can come before Him. we can come CLOSE to Him. we are able to draw near because of His perfectly righteous sacrificial choice. He hates wickedness for what it does to us. it wounds us. it numbs us. it destroys us. it kills us. it is murderous. it keeps us away from Him, for wickedness cannot dwell in the presence of God.
Because of His goodness, His righteousness, His pure hate of wickedness, God the Father has anointed Him with joy and gladness in His heart for His bride. He dances over us. He takes joy in us. we are the apple of His eye. we are His pride and joy. we are His inheritance.)

Cycle 5 - Intimacy and Partnership with the King
Listen, O daughter,
Consider and incline your ear;
Forget your own people also, and your father's house;
So the King will greatly desire your beauty;
Because He is your Lord, worship Him.

Cycle6 - Declaring His Name
I will make Your name to be remembered in all generations;
Therefore the people shall praise You forever and ever.

i'll finish this outline a little later....
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