So I don't forget by tomorrow's post!
Was talking about stuff and things with
lizcommotion, and anyway got to the point where I went OH HUH. I WONDER IF I COULD EDIT MY KH NOVEL TRANSLATIONS FOR NANO. Release 50K of edited novel translation, you know?
I mean, it sounds like less work when you say it like that? But then when I poked the files in Scrivener, um. Yeah. 50K is both the Short Story novels. Editing two novels! In a month! That... sounds like a lot of work, for me. (And the first BbS novel is a bit over 30K. So. Yeah.)
I think that might actually be a good idea? Maybe? (I'm... really not feeling enthusiastic about fic, at the moment. So.)
And could always try and write something as well, I mean it's not like that's impossible.