Jan 31, 2012 23:38
Today's been pretty good. A lot of the talks this morning were kind of uh. Boring, for me, because they went riiiiiight over the top of my head (for the record, I know nothing about economics, finance, music theory, or Japanese politics. If you assume I do, I will not understand what the fuck you're talking about. The entirety of what I got from one talk is that in Japan most people have savings accounts at the post office. This does not take twenty minutes to explain - and didn't. But that's what I understood). But the afternoon was really quite interesting! There was quite a bit on the Fukushima disaster, and student activism, which I didn't know much about, but could understand!
Still, the upside is I'm no longer really worried about my presentation skills, because I know I'm not that bad. I notice what I hate about lectures, presentations, etc., and then do my best to not do that. Apparently this isn't normal. Maybe it's because my parents were in teaching for a looong time, and to people who you had to talk to like normal people. You hear a whooooole lot of bitching at the dinner table, aha. (Another thing I hate: jargon! Particularly in a place like this, where the point of similarity is 'you did a thing about Japan', not 'you're in x field'.) I guess I'm advantaged in that I knew many people wouldn't know a thing about video games, so I had to plan accordingly. Yay niche topics?
Anyway, looking forward to tomorrow! Am... kind of done? I mean, I'm done with the prep itself, now I just have to make the powerpoint. That's easy, not so worried about it, it'll just be key points. Graphs. Couple of pictures.