Jan 30, 2012 00:11
So! I. Yeah. I got SOME prep done, but not much at ALL, and slideshow? Ahahaha not even started. Sooo looks like my free time when away will be prep! All the time! ¬¬;; This is so going to end well, oh wait.
Have my bag packed; is under 7kg! Yay! I don't think they'll check, but if I am, in the clear, which is good. (This is not counting Aqua, though. If it is, I'm soooo screwed.) Checked in for tomorrow, just need to go to the gate when I get there. Whee metal detectors, but I'm pretty okay with those by now. I've been through a lot.
Things to remember to pack in the morning: pjs, hairbrush.
Other than my one vaguely decent outfit, I'm wearing Zelda t-shirts. One for each day. This isn't even every single Zelda t-shirt I own. ¬¬;;;;
Anyway, don't know if I'll have internet there - or, if I do, how reliable it'll be - so if I don't, I'll see you Thursday night or Friday, depending on how hard I want to crash. Bed now, have to be up in less than 7 hours, as flight is EARLY.
away message,