Soooo today I pretty much did nothing. Except finish watching Tiger & Bunny, and then go in search of fic.
Reactions, for the last ten eps can pretty much be summed up in three points:
• I can't believe they went there. I'm kinda impressed.
This is re: Lunatic's past. I don't actually give a fuck about it being re: Lunatic. I mean, crazy murder because of abuse? Nooot exactly novel, and not one of my narrative pings, so. BUT. As character development of Mr. Legend? Woaah, that was. Kind of impressive. I'm not sure I like it; abuse is really squicky to me. But given that Mr. Legend's supposed to be the Classic All-American Super Hero, even more than Sky High? Yeaaaah. Seeing him as a drunken abusive bastard, that makes life hell for his family even after his death is kind of interesting. Particularly when compared to the fact that he obviously did have a very positive impact on some people, Kotetsu especially.
Also! I love that only us, as viewers, know. It's something that they've done a few times, actually - Sky High ep particularly comes to mind - and that balance of storytelling vs realism is great, because hey, like Lunatic's gonna spout off about his traumatic past to the main cast, I mean really.
And I did like that though Lunatic is, well, bugnuts, they did show that his morals do have their own structure, and that he can, in his own way, connect with people, even though it's mostly in his own head. (He didn't have to help Kotetsu. I'm sure there's a hell've a lot of wrongly-accused in T&B'verse, offscreen, but given everyone's reactions, Lunatic's never bothered to lift a hand for them before.)
• ... =___= I really can believe they went there, and FUCK I AM SICK OF THIS TROPE.
The memory altering thing, obviously. IT'S BEEN DONE TO DEATH CAN WE HAVE SOMETHING ELSE PLEASE? I mean, I know I've had a higher run-in with the trope because of so much exposure to Nomura-created stuff, but come on already. :|
KAEDE!!! \o/ KAEDE BEST EVER! So, so awesome! I want to see her grow up and learn to control her power - maybe it's not the last person she touched! Maybe when she can control it she can choose from anyone that she's ever been exposed to! I mean, just that alone is way too overpowered, but time-limits are obviously fine in this 'verse, so. Iono, she's not done anything for more than short bursts, on screen, so maybe just a few minutes every hour. Less than Kotetsu & Bunny, but able to select her power at will. Which feels balanced, to me, and also SO AWESOME. |D ...also she should totally get training from Origami, about how to be a hero even when your power... doesn't actually help. BECAUSE CLEARLY HE'S LEARNING THAT. <3<3<3<3
Anyway, it looks like there'll be a second season, yay! Which is good because I really wanted a Rock Bison ep, but there wasn't one. :( And the Fire Emblem ep really needed to be more about ...him? her? I'm not sure if zhe's flamboyantly gay or flamboyantly straight & trans. Zhe's clearly okama, but Japanese... really doesn't differentiate between the two, in the cultural steriotype sense. :| So. Anyway, zhe's pretty awesome! And Rock Bison is a super mystery, which sucks. :( ...of course EVERYONE needed WAY MORE SCREEN TIME, so uh. |D Yeah.
Anyway, after that I mainly started looking around for fic recs! Google is your friend, usually, but it took me hours to find anything longer than like. 3K. =/ BUT THEN I FOUND A ROBOT AU! \o/ And now it's late so I need to go to bed. BUT I'D REALLY LIKE SOME RECS, IF YOU HAVE ANY. OR ANY IDEA WHERE TO FIND THEM. Particularly character development or plotty stuff! Heroes (+Kaede) is my preference, but if there's something fantastic I'm willing to give it a go~~