So I randomly found a REALLY AWESOME JOB that I would really like to get, so today's been about writing a resume. :| So fun. Not. But, it'll be worth it, for the exp if nothing else, so.
Tiger & Bunny continues to be amusing. I'm not sure whether I like it or not? It's doing this thing where it takes completely predictable scenes that're in all shounen anime ever, and condenses them into something tiny. Like maybe five seconds. It's interesting! I just don't know if I like it or not yet. (Also SKY HIGH! |D How do you manage to be a combination of an All American Hero-style superhero and a freaking sentai character? And actually work? |D |D |D <3 ...this is not a spoiler as it's pretty obvious immediately upon meeting him at something like three minutes into the first ep. But yeah.)
ANYWAY. I have a poll! Because I just finished the Sephiroth is a special snowflake and Cloud is angsty McEmopants chapter, I'm now up to... Atlantica. And I just flipped through, and it has... song lyrics.
AND SO I HAVE A VERY IMPORTANT TOTALLY NOT IRONIC POLL. Because I ACTUALLY NEED TO CHOOSE, and hey, crowdsourcing is totally fandom's talent.
View poll: Atlantica song lyrics! I'm leaning towards pulling up the originals, but~