So, today the weather was fantastic. I know, I know, most people don't think 40ºC weather is fantastic, but I love it.
Finished watching my CM DVDs, and watched the new Sherlock episode. Most of it was fantastic, but I felt it was really kind of long. (I'mma bet that'll be an unpopular opinion! |D;; But really, there's a reason I don't watch many movies. Um. It didn't help that I was expecting it to be the same length as the last ones.) Content wise it had me giggling a LOT, so I guess that's a win! (Though there is an extremely embarrassment-squicky bit, fair warning.)
Anyway! There's this 'Fandom Snowflake' 15-day meme thing going around starting - well, on the 1st in America, so, you know. Roughly today. I can see what zhe's doing there, but the title makes me a little uncomfortable anyway. But hey, I clearly need content, so. Doing it.
Today's prompt is~
In your own space, post a rec for at least three fanworks that you have created. It can be your favorite fanworks that you've created, or fanworks you feel no one ever saw, or fanworks you say would define you as a creator. Drop a link to your post in the comments.
Well. How about one of all three? (AO3 links, for the standard formatting that isn't present in older posts, but I changed in the upload process.)
Favourite: I hate this question. I don't know. Today I feel like
Meaningful Drunken Conversations at Three in the Morning (KH cyberpunk AU, Sora&Roxas) was pretty fantastic?
No one ever saw: Not that any of my work gets much in the way of exposure, but
In Rainbows (KH Roxas-centric nominally 'real world' AU), maybe?
Define me as a creator: It used to be something like
But a Walking Shadow (KH/xxxHolic, Bakura&Axel), but now I think - hope - it's more like
起死回生 (Kishikaisei) (KH Eraqus-centric derivative AU). It's got the melancholy of the former, but it's also AU and not quite so depressed.