Nov 29, 2006 23:48
Well its been a long time. Things change and people change but somethings are always constant. Suffering and pain, its out there and its widespread. Buddha said that life is suffering, and I believe it. I see so much in others, I see their faults turning inward, I see them hurt. I don't know how to solve the worlds problems. I can't solve some of my own. I can't just stand here and watch people go down in flames like that.
MY cousin, who is now 26, stopped believing in any god long ago. She didn't understand how he could let anything bad happen to someone who had done nothing to anyone. She'd been bound to a wheelchair for 12 years now. Her condition will only worsen, she will never be "cured". She faces a very hard life. I can see why she can't believe anymore. She's almost homeless, living with an aunt because her parents don't want her, they don't even fucking love her. They are just sick people who only care for theirselves. I watched her go through hell, and it was hell whe her parents divorced, when neither one wanted her, and when her demented mother tortured her mentally. I don't hate people but what I feel about her parents is close to it. Recently Donna's brother got married, and she felt betrayed and abandoned. She felt that his wife was going to take him from her. I'd almost believe it, I don't like the girl, she's a control freak. She'll want every minute accounted for. I think the only reason he got married is so he'd have someplace to live and someone to live with. Harsh I know, but if you consider the fucked up people his parents are then its a different matter. He dad pushed him out everyway he could. (He's on marriage number three.)
People can get the shitty end of the deal more often than not in this world. Its just a fact. The only thing we can do is deal with it and try to enjoy what we can, when we can. People don't always see how much better their life is than it could be. I used to be that way. I've changed. I saw what my mother went through and how she has made the effort to make things good for her. She has what she wants and it was rough getting there, but she's there.
I could write a book on the family secrets that aren't being kept secret anymore. If I thought someone would get some good out of it, I will.