sat ann sun....

May 09, 2005 00:04

'ello 'ello!
on sat i went to white sands with rick ann his wife eva (they are REALLY close frends of the fam) as well as with 2 guys from jordan ann 1 from egypt. i was SO SO SO KICK ASS!! we had a dirt clog fight/ dirt fight thing goin on. i was warein a SKIRT!! but hell i didn't know 'till last min that i was gonna go with them. i got a shit load of sand in my bra, eyes, mouth, ann hair. i loved it! ann then sunday started out ok. UNTILL we go to church. as all of you should know i LOATHE goin to church! but i went cuz it was mothers day. i started to get REALLY!!! MEGA bord in church so i started to mess with my nephue makein him laugh ann sis kept on tellin me to stop, but bein the kewl person i am kept on at it. so she pinched me ann i hit her bac...blah blah blah my mom tryed to move me over but fuck i wasn't bout to budge. my mom after a while got up ann left my sis said "go on ahead and leave like you always do". i blanked out fer like 2 min next thing i know i'm 1/2 way out the church door ann my mom grabs my arm to stop me i wriggled free ann left to the jeep. when my mom ann sis ann nephue got in to the car my mom ann i had this big 'ole argument over religon ann shit, i told her that bein catholic/ xtian isnt fer everyone. 'cuz any religon that has to shove its belifes down peoples throughts are full of S-H-I-T! she was all "well what religon do u think is for you?" ann my sis just had to put in her 2 cents she said " that stupid devil worshiping shit with the sacrafices ann everything" that juss really pissed me off! cuz there are many diff types of satanism. anywho i told my mom "well i dont know....because you never let me explore other religons". she said something that made me go bizzerk!! i kicked the dashbord like 5 times ann slamed my fist on the windo. she called the "doctor" i told her i'm sic of seein them, ann talkein to them. 'cuz they dont even know me. juss the way i went off reminded me of how i was in the past.. ann to be honest it scared me. not juss the avg kind of off the scales kinda thing. but see the bad part about it is that i dunn even know what kinda "doctor" that person was. ann i think u all know bout my moms "friend". ok well let me ebreveate.i fuckin HATE HIM W/ A PASSION!!! cuz he doesn't know who to mind his own bissnus ya know? i'm my moms kid not yours!! you have your own kids ann bitchy wife to worry about. ok well its like 12:47...kinda late i should TRY ann go to sleep! night ya'all
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