(no subject)

Sep 25, 2005 13:18

From twitchnosewitch:

Please leave a one-word comment that you think best describes me.

It can only be one word. No more.

Then copy & paste this in your journal so that I may leave a word about you.

The Random Question Meme!

An array of completely random questions about my friends!
Where do you think d_latener is right now?Probably with Kage.Can harlene_quinzel do a headstand?I'd expect so. It'll probably get easier if she joined up with the Joker--those things on her hat would be like stabilizers or something.What do you find admirable about the_engineer_?She's cool and smart, and has a sense of humor.How many licks would madam_bluerose take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?I don't know, but she'd make some innuendo about it.Doesn't twitchnosewitch have anything better to do?Nope, she's doing the best she can. Better than most, that's for damn sure.Why would bethany_sloane go to heaven but road_song go to hell?Well, Bethany's the great-grandneice of Jesus, and Amuro's a vampire or something similar, so I guess if you're one of those uptight conservative assholes, you'd say it'll pan out like that, but on the other hand, the great-grandneice of Jesus is all cool with vampires who are decent people, so I think I'd believe her before some heartless pack of neo-cons.What's the last thing you said to first_born_last?Boy, I don't remember. I was probably apologizing for saying something stupid.What does azeroth_raven think of America's involvement in Iraq?I'd imagine she's none too thrilled with it. After all, she doesn't seem to suffer fools lightly.What hobby do you think gothic_lab_rat should take up?Something really ordinary and mundane, like knitting,so she can freak all her wild friends out.What would you say at lightsthepyre's funeral?I have no idea.What is queen_of_cynics's sexiest feature?I'd have to say her mind. She's clever, perceptive, and sharp as a tack. I hope she meets someone smart enough to appreciate that and who makes her happy.Who would make a better stuffed animal, moonlight_mask or prof_nadezhda?Boy, tough call. There's probably tons of Tuxedo Mask chibi plushies out there already, but Miss Nadezhda has that woogy-hair thing going on. I guess I'd have to say Mamo-san, because he's getting mass-produced.
This is by heptadecagram. You can find your own completely random questions here.

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