odd dream association

May 20, 2007 17:45

It's been a long time since I had a dream regarding fairy tales, but for some reason that's the association that came up in a dream a while ago. My dreams are fragmented, sometimes more composed of random jolts of emotion than of images, sounds, or other perceptions. Sometimes I hear music in my dreams that seems to be more lovely than any music waking could be... yet I wonder, even while dreaming, what it is I'm "hearing," if I'm truly hearing anything at all... if that makes sense.

Anyway for some reason I got an image that seemed snapped out of "the twelve dancing princesses," namely the bit where the fellow spying on them cracks off a twig from the diamond tree on his final night (for proof of what he witnessed). I guess it was important to remember that the whole thing was either underground, or they went through some kind of portal -- who knows, it's magic! -- but there was a sky of sorts in my dream, yet there was also something wrong with the sky. Which, you know, seemed related to the fact that, if they were truly underground, there shouldn't have been one. So the diamond branch jutting out into that eerie sky made a striking picture, and when the twig was snapped there was a flash of lightning that also seemed alien and ominious. And one of the girls commented something to the effect of "did we see lightning just now or a crack between the stars?"

If everything is a fake world the line is funny -- like the props are falling apart in the middle of a play. In the context of the dream, it was frightening. Like it was a reality "more real than real" that was tearing apart at the seams.


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