"Be your true self" month

Nov 28, 2021 15:09

This June I had the pleasure to attend a speech by an LGBTQ person. Xe was wishing for all those who are struggling with their identities to come out of the closets and become their true selves. Xe did. It was a dangerous and difficult effort, but in the end a liberating experience. To be your true self, to not hide your life from the people around you. This is what the Pride Month is about.

I say bullshit, darling. The day you reveal your true self is the day PIP starts looming over your shoulder.

Martha, a single mother who hates her life. If she forgets to put a smile on - she can kiss her bartender job goodbye.

If Jason, a reasonable self-respecting man decides to act with dignity and kick that trash-talking drunk asshole out of his car - guess what, no more driving gigs for him.

Jeremiah, kind, God-fearing guy from Salt Lake City. The day he reveals what he really thinks about those rainbow-colored sinner deviants his career takes a nosedive.

Jimmy. Jimmy is fine. He just does not love his job and if he could, he would never work again. Ever. Wouldn't we all, Jimmy. Wouldn't we all. Yet he is smart enough not to express his true self during his completely sincere 1:1 meetings.

A doomer, who thinks that the world is rolling down the hill towards an ecological catastrophe, and billions will die. Keeps their mouth shut and smiles on.

A black guy, who was frisked fourth time this week and passionately thinks that we ain't done shit about the police injustice yet. Smiles on.

Oh, it's only about the sexual things? Well, sure.

Bill stays with his wife only because he loves his children. Their bedroom has been dead for years. Keep your cool, Bill, let's all cheer up for him!

Mary has a crush on the office hottie out of her league, and daydreams (also nightdreams) about him daily. Yet she is a well-adjusted adult and knows that even if she had her chance, nothing good will come out of an office affair. That's why she keeps a dildo in a nightstand and professional demeanor at work.

Each day, we're selling our souls bit by bit. You know it, I know it, and the now-normalized "How are you today, sir" is slowly progressing towards "Welcome to Costco, I love you".

I love you too, random citizen!
This entry was originally posted at https://tymofiy.dreamwidth.org/188686.html. Please comment there.


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