Retail Blues - The Ninja-ing

Jan 26, 2008 18:17

Today, I was given a special assignment. I would be transported, alone, without backup, to the heart of a dangerous complex. My mission would be to infiltrate said complex, acquire plans for their secret Doomsday Weapon (Codename: METAL GEAR), and return home a hero.

At least, that's the cool way it sounds in my head. In truth, I was asked to drive over to a local medical center, go inside and find the directory, and spend the next two hours writing down every name on the directory, so that we could do mass spam mailings in effort to drum up more business for the store.

It was cool, for the most part. I got to get out of the store for most of the day, spent a little time in fresh air and sunshine, and think. I've had a lot on my mind lately, so it was good to have a moment of zen, sitting on the grass with a nice breeze. At the same time however, I also felt like an idiot. I had to literally plant myself in front of a large hospital directory, complete with the "YOU ARE HERE" star. In full work uniform and everything, writing names over and over and over and over. Got a few odd stares. No folks, I'm not a stalker, but thanks for asking!

Finally, the gal who ran the snack bar across the hall must have taken pity on me, because she gave me a list with a few names of doctors and businesses that weren't on the list. It was a very kind gesture of her, until the list exploded. I barely survived, and an epic duel to the death ensued. I'll be sure let you know who won in the next post! (You'll never guess.)
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