May 30, 2003 00:13
just when you think you've lost your mind... someone can come along and make you realize... you're not crazy... well, at least you're not alone.... which is good enough for me...
everything happens for a reason... it is soooo true...
every once in awhile i'll have an experience that makes me feel really connected to the energies of the earth and space and just the whole realm of life.... the fact that while sitting in my car i felt someone's presence so strongly... only to find out later that the person was there.... it blew my mind... it's blowing my mind still now...
it's been clearly stated to me that this endeavor to grow this relationship is basically pointless... i mean friendship is a wonderful thing... and if that's what i'll have to settle for yet again... so be it... but i'm not ready to stop being giddy and stupid.... i'm not ready to stop smiling when i think about how many interesting similarities we share... how there seems to be such an ease of understanding and a great flow of communication.... even when stumbling over sticky subjects... everything seems to come back together just fine....
you didn't mean to lead me on
i took it to the place i wanted
it wouldn't have mattered
i wouldn't have cared
i'm stubborn
you were there
you were there
you were living out my fantasy
the dream i dreamed of you
surrounding my senses
with the reality of you
i'm amazed
you were there
you were there
i'm thinking that could be a song.... maybe one day i'll finish it... maybe it will be an ongoing work... maybe i'll start to really write again... maybe maybe maybe.... i can't believe she was there.... and i felt it... i want to feel in my dreams tonight how good some of my smiles tonight felt...
i wonder when my time will come to share a connection with someone who is available.... ahhh... even that brings a smile to my face...
i find myself wishing i had her phone number... wishing i could talk to her at anytime i wanted or needed to.... here i go again getting all gooey.... gotta cut it....
i want to go to sleep now just so that i can dream and remember more of what happened tuesday at lunchtime....
you made it real