(no subject)

Nov 18, 2007 21:57

As the final bell for school rang out, Tyler made his way out of the school with the rush of other kids. He couldn't stand going to the Bar today, October-weirdness or not, not after not being able to do a goshdarn thing to help Bob.

That didn't stop him from wanting a meal without getting pelted by applesauce, though.

It was only a few blocks to the K-square, he could buy himself some burritos and a slurpee, he told himself as he ran down a back alley without looking around to see what was there. And why should he look? The super-powered students of PS238 patrolled by air regularly as part of their training.

Not like anyone would be so stupid or determined as to try and snatch a kid around here. And even if they did, they'd be in for a surprise.

frozen horrors

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