OOC explanation

May 19, 2006 21:45

Hi. So this is my post explaining what the heck is going on with Tyler, Jack, and the cast of thousands.

The big reveal of Fight Club, either the movie or the book, is that Tyler Durden and the narrator are the same person, which the narrator has not known. (If I had to try to diagnose him, I would say he has Dissociative Identity Disorder.) This is bad, as Tyler is (not to put too fine a point on it) a terrorist who is plotting, along with an army he has assembled, to blow up several buildings. In the movie, this is to eliminate credit cards; in the book, it's simply as an act of chaos. Eventually, the narrator shoots himself to kill off Tyler. End of story, more or less.

I am using the book's ending, in which the bombs fail and the narrator ends up in a mental hospital. The movie ending is gorgeous, but it's too dark and too hard to integrate with Fandom.

In fanon, the narrator is usually known as Jack, because of some props in the movie bearing that name, as well as the repeated line "I am Jack's...[broken heart, sense of rejection, severe body odor.]" Honestly, I think this is bad fanon, but I'm using it rather than have a character with no name or picking one at random.

In canon, the narrator doesn't remember what Tyler does. I ditched that because it would suck to play with. If you need a reason, it's because he now knows Tyler is a part of himself, although one he can't control.

Now, here is what all of this means for playing with the dude.

You ALWAYS see Edward Norton, always. I have a few Brad Pitt icons because he is pretty, but it's not what the narrator looks like. (Except in his fantasies.) And he's on his being gradually and responsibly weaned off of his meds right now, which means he's more or less "integrated." Which means there's basically one, albeit disturbed, person, who I'm calling Tyler because it makes my life ever so much easier.

Under certain circumstances, usually involving highly emotional circumstances, he'll split again, and that's when I'll start doing the dichotomy with the icons and the Tyler/Jack thing in the posts.

If you ever don't know who you're talking to, ask me OOC.

I hope this made at least some sense. Questions? Comments?


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