Having a couple mixed feelings--uh oh!!!

Aug 26, 2006 11:37

All summer I've been itching to get back home to Ann Arbor, and all of a sudden I'm getting random mixed feelings about leaving home in California. Possibly just because I still haven't finished the Jonesy sketch and we're down to three days now. Oh yes, and I don't actually know if all the stuff carefully piled in the middle of my floor will actually fit in my suitcase (and not weigh more than 50 lbs).

The feature on men's gym injuries is, I believe, done. Well, until the editors get their hands on it anyway. I'm still waffling on the lead, because it reads like another midweek on Joe Catrambone, and I am not sure I like that. There are reasons for leaving it alone though--Joe's semi-insanity regarding competing with his torn labrum is pretty much the reason I started writing this, and also he definitely has the best laundry list of injuries. I just don't want the editors or the boys to think I'm playing favorites. And after the first half of the first segment, Joe pretty much disappears. Any thoughts anyone would like to contribute on this matter are welcome (ie Pierce and Dan?????).

The other night I went to the Giants game with a friend I haven't seen in a while, and we had the Sweetest Seats EVER. We were in the front row of the club level (which isn't open to regular people--just fyi, the tix were free from a friend of his dad's), and not only that, we were directly behind the broadcasters, who were doing their annual telecast from the stands!!! Mike Krukow and Duane Kuiper comprise half of the very best broadcasting team in baseball (Jon Miller and Dave Fleming usually do radio, and are equally fantastic) and they were sitting RIGHT THERE! We got on TV a couple times and could look over Kruk's shoulder to see replays and see who and what he was circling at the moment. After the game, as soon as the postgame wrap was done, both broadcasters removed their headsets and turned, grinning, to the small group of fans who had gathered behind them. They were just as nice and gracious as I expected them to be, from listening to them for. . . jeez, I don't even know how long I've been listening to them. It's a long time. So that was a huge deal, and a great way to close out my summer at PacBell. I'm going to the A's game on Monday night right before I leave, with Ben, to say goodbye for another year to my beloved Coliseum.

Today we're going to the city to have lunch with my cousin Jeff, his wife Daisy, and their son Walker, who is now five. He is the only child in the whole world who I actively like. True I'm still scared to be left alone with him or in charge of him in any way, but seriously, he is the most hilarious kid ever. He's got a mouth like a truck driver--he was incredibly proud to tell my aunt (his grandma) that he was down to saying shit only one time per week. Also, just when I went back to Michigan for sophomore year, he decided to throw off the teams of his parents (his dad is a very bitter Giants fan, his mom a Yankees fan) and adopt my Tigers as his team. So of course I went online and decked the kid out in Tigers gear, and plan to grab more stuff for him when we're in Detroit in juuuuust a few days. Hurrah!

Talked to Michael and Dan yesterday--whenever I talk to anyone from school I lose all the mixed-ness in the feelings. I'm now invited as an ally to Gayz Craze which sounds like it should be a lot of fun. And Dan should probably get away from those brains too, heehee. Michael's moving in the same day I am (only he has just one day to do it! I can't imagine moving all the way in in one day, too much shit to get on the walls) so that night we're hoping to all go out to dinner with his mom, get him his Macaroni Grill fix. Then later in the week, perhaps after the football game, it'll be my parents' turn to feed everybody.

Evanne and I went to see Invincible last night, and we both loved it. Great flick. Then again I'm a sucker for happy sports stories. She seems to be having a better time handling the boys being away on their roadtrip. She really wanted to go, but this is their male bonding time and they didn't take her. She's very sad about everyone leaving, which I understand on the one hand, but she goes to school with half our friends from high school so it's not like Everyone is leaving. Anyways she's hoping to set up a goodbye lunch with everyone who is still home on Sunday. Seems like a lot of people are leaving on Tuesday, same as me. I hope I get to see Jer. I think I've seen him once all summer.

If you couldn't tell, I'm massively bored and even reading all the Tigers articles isn't an option because they will just piss me off. I'm currently giving the Tigers the silent treatment cause I'm so pissed about their shitty-ass performance over the past few games. The Twinkies are only 5 games behind us now, and the Boys look flat. After 2 more games with Cleveland, who we should be sweeping but now we can only hope at best for a series win, we then have to go TO New York to play the suddenly hot Yankees. Oohhhhhhh shit.
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