From the
1. Have you ever run for a political office or position? If yes, tell us more. If no, would you? Why or why not?
No, and no I would not, because I really don't care all that much about working for a public that doesn't work for me.
2. Have you ever volunteered or helped with a political campaign? If yes, tell us more. If no, would you? Why or why not?
No, because I really dislike politics in general.
3. Have you ever attended a political event (speech, rally, etc.)? If yes, tell us more. If no, would you? Why or why not?
No, because again I really dislike politics in general.
4. Have you ever contributed to a political party, candidate, or organization? If yes, tell us more. If no, would you? Why or why not?
See answer to above.
5. If you could change one thing about your country's political system (e.g., number of parties, system of electing representatives, number of houses, etc.), what would it be? Why that?
This isn't something I've really given enough thought to, so I really don't have much of an answer for this.
From the
1. Do you have a dream you will always strive to achieve until your dying day?
I don't know that I'd call it a dream, but I strive to be loved until my dying day, to surround myself with epople whom I love, and who love me as well.
2. Do you believe in fate or free will, or something else?
I believe in both. I think there is a destiny for us all, but I believe that we can alter that destiny in small ways by the choices we make.
3. Marilyn Monroe. Conspiracy or tragic accident?
Tragic accident, if I had to chose one of those answers.
4. Favourite childhood sweets/candy?
Those candy buttons on the paper, that it never failed you'd end up eating the paper too. I loved those things.
5. Favourite cocktail (alcoholic or virgin) and it's ingredients?
Frisky Witch: (Which after a couple, becomes a Fricksy Wish.)
It's a shot. 1 jigger each of vodka and sambuca. Even cooler if you use black vodka.
Only good if you actually like black licorice.
From the
1. What kind of lighting is around you?
Regular, boring incandescent bulbs, and a few candles.
2. What do you think of your singing voice?
I think I've a fairly descent singing voice. I've been asked to sing publicly before, so I have to assume I do.
3. Who do you try to please?
I try to please myself, and my husband. Everyone else is on their own.
4. Describe your last dream:
Me, Jason, momma and Diddy. Driving to what was in my dream Michael's old house or something. Picking something up maybe. The place was covered in spiders, and I was trying to get them down. Someone (Jason?) commented that ‘Flying Lion Spiders’ were endangered and we should learn when they are and not kill them. Just then, something golden and long and creepy floated down, and I went to investigate. It launched at me and apparently electrocuted me. I woke up to that.
5. When is the last time you bought flowers?
Oh, lord .. it's been quite a while. I probably should find some I like and buy them. Something autumnal.
From: 1. Do you meditate? How?
I want to begin meditating regularly, but right now, I do not.
2. Do you use meditation for magical purposes? Other purposes?
3. Do you use visualization when you meditate? Why and how so?
4. Do you use visualization when you perform magic? How does it help?
5. Do you use visualization in other ways? What for?
I use visualization in my cooking, especially when preparing feat dinners, envisioning what I wish the meal to provide for those eating it.