Ups, downs, and how things look right now

Jan 13, 2014 10:38

Day one of the spring semester.

The upsides:
  • My teacher for WST100 is the same teacher I had for belly dance, so I know what sort of person she is and what she expects out of me
  • I have already been asked about modeling times by one of the art professors at MCC; this is A Very Good Thing
  • I am employed as a Student Art Model at both MCC and GCC this semester
  • My science course will be starting at the end of the month, so I have some extra time to get the required books
The downsides:
  • Still waiting on the rest of my financial aide to come through, which means I have no money for my books
  • I am taking an Intro To C++ course this semester and just looking at the syllabus had me feeling a bit overwhelmed
  • Transit times between my new residence and my old campus suck (two hours at absolute best, bleh)
With the exception of my Art Marketing course, my science lab and tests, and my C++ exams, all my coursework is taking place online. In one way, this eases the transit issue, as it means that I'd only be traveling to the MCC campus once a week for lab and then any of the days that I need to model down there (which are usually scheduled far enough in advance that I can plan for it).

Another thing about taking the majority of my courses online is that I can still plot out a regular day at home AND be able to do my coursework while I have some housework things going on. At least, that's the idea.

This semester is going to be a harder one for me than any of the others, simply because I do not have a 'fun' class in which I am participating as a student. I will likely have to schedule my 'spare' time so that I'll have a time frame in which I can just sit down and work on art and or crafting projects to help me relax.

The ups outweigh the downs as far as I can tell right now. Even if C++ does make my head spin a bit. I'm aiming to land a spot on the Honours list again--not only because it looks good for college transferring but also because it makes me feel like an educational badass--but I'm not actually taking an Honours Course proper this semester. (There is a particular promise that was made by the Honours Program that has not been upheld on their side)

So... yeah. School. Woo.

school, mindset, beginnings, books, changes, art, spring-semester, january, 2014, tech, breathing

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