2013 summary

Jan 03, 2014 22:44

To say that 2013 was a chaotic year for me is something of an understatement.

In the past, I've done this sort of roundup with photos.

This time, however, I am merely going to tell you that if you want to see photos of the year's events, then you should head to my flickr and check out the contents. Same goes for seeing my artwork.

Most notable events from 2013:

-> I made the President's Honour List two semesters in a row, both spring and fall.

-> I performed in two events; TC's Biannual show at Plaza de Anaya AND at PHOENIX COMICON. I'll repeat that last part: I PERFORMED AT PHOENIX COMICON.

-> A car drove through the livingroom wall of the townhouse--and it would have hit me too if I'd been at my desk when it happened.

The car driving through the wall was really the event with the most reverberation into the rest of the year. It happened in April but it continued to haunt us even after all the physical damages were repaired. That single event fueled the already present desire (at least for one person) to get the frak out of the townhouse and the neighborhood.

Stress was the name of the game for me after that point.

How I made it out of the fall semester with A's across the board, I'll never be completely sure. I'd like to say it was a result of my being incredibly antisocial and absolutely driven to get more scholarship money, but that can't be the whole of it. Besides, being antisocial is something of a norm for me, sad as that sounds.

Another painful observation that was really hammered home over the course of the fall semester is that I really don't have anyone here. Pretty much everyone I know in the area on a level better than "school acquaintance" with exception to Ash are all people that I met through Jer. (Ash I met through City Of and Vent before I moved out here)

That knowledge, paired with the fact that the entire fall semester had me literally trying to stave off a panic attack of epic proportions, ultimately resulted in me falling into a depression that really did in fact threaten my schoolwork--as well as my relationship. The problems with my wrists and hands have continued and for a while I was off of the medication for it because said medication wasn't even making a dent in stopping the pain. Medical, in general, has been bad. Not much else that I can report on the matter, really.

We moved. It wasn't really official until the first of this month, but we moved. I think I'm going to be choking on dust and having to sift through boxes for the next several weeks at best.

2013 was just another year that I survived. Hopefully 2014 will be better to me.

2013, breakdown, family, belly-dance, humor, january, health, breathing, frustrations, school, mindset, medical, changes, grades, art, frustration, depression, goals, 2014, thoughts

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