Art degrees, contrary to popular belief, are not the 'easy route' through school.
We not only have to carry around portfolios and giant clipboards [of doom] and all of our supplies, but we also have to do so without damaging anything we're carrying OR damaging anything around us.
Our classes are not 'easy'. There is a challenge involved with each one, even if it doesn't seem immediately obvious. Furthermore, we do not just spend 3 hours staring at the models because they happen to be naked--we actually study the body structure and characteristics of each model and then draw them as best we can. Also, drawing porn in class is considered to be In Poor Taste and if you're caught you're liable to get in serious trouble.
For my classmates: I didn't join this degree program just to be belittled, bitched at, reamed out, ripped apart, walked on, walked over, and or treated like I'm less than the dirt on the ground. If you want to know why I seem to be "always so damn cheerful" then you should actually ASK ME instead of acting like a child.
I didn't decide on this degree because I'm lazy or because I'm wanting to be the absolute world best. I decided on this degree because I'm an ARTIST and I'm pretty good at what I do and I want a degree to go alongside the portfolio and because I want to do art for a living and for the rest of my life.
And if you've got a problem with that, well.
Eff you and your pretentious standards.