Hole in the wall

Apr 04, 2013 04:00

I've posted a few pics already about this, and made some tweets. More pictures will be posted later, as in after we've got things fully cleaned up.

See, at about midnight thirty, a car drove through our livingroom wall. Had the driver not hit the street sign immediately before that, the entire front end of the car would have been in the livingroom instead of just a hole in the wall.

And it would have destroyed my computer desk in the process.

Because the hole--which is about 3 feet by 4 feet--is RIGHT BEHIND where my desk is situated. Had I been up still, I would instead be posting this all from a hospital in the area. Had Jeremy not still been sitting at his desk, getting things shut down, it would have been him who would be injured.

The driver was drunk.

I'm pretty sure he had to be going upwards of 70mph to do the damage he did. The entire front end of his car is effed. He was led away in cuffs to the back of a police vehicle.

At some point I will likely write up a very simple thank-you card for the Tempe Police Department. They responded quickly, were helpful, and made things feel less overwhelming.

Jeremy and I have no injuries. We're just very badly shaken. The driver didn't seem to be too bad off, just drunk and had a scrape from his airbag. If he's injured in any other way, it wasn't immediately obvious and I'm certain that the officers who responded will have taken care of it.

This is going to potentially put us in a ridiculously tight spot in terms of finances. If that becomes the case, I will let folks know accordingly. Until then, just send us hugs and good vibes.

3 and a half hours have flown past me. Whee, shock.

Again, send us hugs. And good vibes. And if you're able to visit, do so. It would be most appreciated.

As I stated initially, there will be a slew of pics posted when things have been cleaned up and fixed.

Now if you'll pardon me, I'm going to attempt to get a few hours of sleep.

2013, cleaning, breakdown, changes, frustration, legal, frustrations, thoughts, venting, march

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