5 years

Jul 30, 2012 10:09

All in all, I feel slightly odd today. Not sad, not angry. Just odd. Not quite annoyed. Almost happy.

There are some things I'll never have the chance to confront him about; the theft of medications and money, for instance. There are things I'll never get the chance to say to his face.

But after all this time, I've come to realize that it hurts me more knowing my grandmother has passed on than knowing that he is dead.

I suppose that someone out there may think that's wrong of me. That's fine.

And... I am happy. Right now. For a slew of reasons I won't put down right now. I'm happy. He's dead, gone, presumably still contained in an urn on a shelf in his mother's room. I'm happy. I'm well.

I'm alive.

closure, death, mindset, 2012, july

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