Oct 26, 2011 20:02
So, all that blood that was taken while I was in the hospital? (I swear it was a pint's worth) Turns out a lot of it was sent off for tests.
The things that are NOT the cause of my clot:
- Lupus
- RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis)
- Inherited Condition(s)/Genetic Predisposition
- Infectious Disease [they didn't go over which ones they tested for but I know that HIV was one and that's negative, so I'm happy]
- Smoking [smoke free here!]
- MS (Multiple Sclerosis)*
The things that have Yet To Be Determined as a cause:
- Breast Cancer [I am getting a mammogram; not only will I feel better for doing it, but so will my mom and my aunt Cheryl--who is in remission with her Breast Cancer]
- Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome aka Ovarian Cysts
- Medication complications [other than the BCP I was on]
- Environmental factors [how my work area is situated]
So, I've gotten some answers. I still have questions galore. I was nervous walking into the office but it was more important to me to learn what results they had. It helped that we didn't have to wait more than five minutes before being taken back to a room and even the wait in the actual exam room was rather short. Everything in that office moved so fast and all the procedures were so streamlined; it made me feel that if I did in fact get a "yeah it's cancer" result that I would want that office to be the one I went to for treatments.
For now, I am going to continue trying to chill out and not overdo anything with my arm.
*this can be tested for again, depending on the outcome of other things; my blood did not present with any signs but sometimes it can be missed in such tests**
**there's a reason why they call it the 'practice of medicine' and not 'the art'