pretty sure my blood froze

Sep 28, 2010 16:58

I've had some crappy times since he died, things like dopplegangers and nightmares and I still can't watch Lost In Space (1998 version) or handle certain bits of music, but this is by far one of the most horrid things to happen yet.

No joke; I saw that and screamed whilst backing up from the computer as though it had just turned into something that would make fans of Lovecraft and Alien shudder in terror.

After calming down enough to go through the "in-private browsing" option, I rather shakily opened it up to find that the sender was literally 1 character off from his email address and it had a bunch of spam adds in it for things that, ironically and eerily enough, he liked while he was alive.


breakdown, death, mindset, 2010, frustration, september, frustrations, venting

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