minor update + list

Jul 19, 2010 11:24

Updates first!

-Cyberpunk is looking to become a more frequent event, as evidenced by this past Saturday; it was AWESOME.
-PAX is all go and the moment I get the Con schedule, I'll be planning out who we can have lunch/dinner with and when--time has already been set for hanging with SamuraiKo, Roseneko has next dibs.
-I made tzatziki this weekend, for the first time, and it was excellent. This makes me a bit more inclined to work on cooking stuffs.
-My flickr is now a lot more active. If you want to keep going back to it without my mentioning updates, bookmark it.
-A reminder for folks who have twitter, mine is: http://twitter.com/tygenco

And now, the List. My birthday is about a month away, and as per usual, I'm going to put up my wishlist here (because I know nothing's going to come of it but at least people can glance at it).

-Snow White and Rose Red, by Patricia C Wrede
-Daft Punk discography
-Purple tentacle bandanna by MissMonster (the 'ghost' is an acceptable alternative)
-Think Geek's Bag of Holding
-This nifty stress relief pillow
-Interchangable Ring kit
-LEGOs. Seriously, I would like some LEGO sets, preferably from their new Atlantis set. (and if my wanting LEGOs surprises you, then clearly you don't know me very well)

books, 2010, art, birthday, gaming, tech, july, thoughts

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