(no subject)

Mar 10, 2006 12:16

OK, well Where to start...my life has been going pretty good recently up until last night. I just recently met a girl, who is by the far the most amazing girl I have ever had the chance/priviledge of meeting. Saying she is amazing would be a complete understatement, but im really at a loss for words with her. Well, some cool kids, I'm not going to name names, but those fucks know who they are, are seriously set on fucking things up for us. Im pretty sure I thought we were going to break up last night. IF we would have over them, and their bullshit drama, I would've seriously burned down some houses, and slit some throats, I care abou her alot..the last thing I want to do is hurt her. Now im sitting here, sulking, cause frankly I don't know what is going to happen with us, and I don't really like that.I like having some kind of idea. But fuck it....Im so sick of drama, this is why I left shelton, to get the fuck away from it....but nope, not me....I can't get away from it. It's so cool ;).....I have a feeling this is going to end up the same way they always do..Me getting hurt....But im willing to take that chance, Cause she makes me oh so happy, and I smile at computer screens, everytime I hear her voice, I get butterflies. What does this mean, I don't know. All I know, is I dont' want to lose the feeling, I don't want to lose her. Especially over something so small, as to other's bullshit. It's funny how you think some people are you friends, but really, they aren't shit. So fuck them. Im glad I moved from shelton. I met some of the coolest people down here. They are my friends. They have proven that time and time again...yes there are some kids in shelton, I will always consider my true friends...like Hans, Nick, and Justin D. They have always been there for me, NO MATTER FUCKING WHAT. But this is fucking lame, how everyone that you "think" is your friend, just turns out to be a complete fucking backstabber. But oh well, what doesn't kill me, shall only make me stronger. Sorry this is so long, I just had to get shit off my chest. All I know, is some "certain" people, better stay the fuck away from courtney. No Joke. They really don't know what Im capable of, and for me to have a grudge against them, would be the last fucking thing they ever wanted. Bye

I <3 more than ever Courtney Lynn Johnson.

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